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トラビスのインタビュー全文(英語) from PLAYZONE2013

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This is a third in series in the way it’s presented and actually songs and dances with no dialog which was really first for us with working with the company. But I think it’s safe to say my partner Stacy Walker and I are very happy to be back to continue this theology and add to it some of the numbers with originally choreographed   inconceived as well as       . Another highlight really was getting to add another rayer to the work of my mentor, Michael Peters. It is just always such a     pleasure to be here working with the company and I hope that all of the fans enjoy this in the show.



What the first thing we thought of was really just protecting the integrity of the existing information, whether there be a count choreography rules? Or the song meeting to sounds in a certain way so that the audiences and fans recognize it? so, that was really the first detail that we needed to take in a consideration and then that was just really we imagining it for this new generation of artist who performing for new generations of fans.



I think that each of the artist, each of the three stars certainly have their own individual personalities, their own individual colors, their own tastes and I think that we’ve been very fortunate to be able to highlight with each of them dance very well in the last four shows. And for the show in particular PLAYZONE2013,we just know how to do it now. So often times you can think for Stacy and I can think about this will be something that Tsubasa would like or this will be something that Yuma should try and maybe he will like and of course Tomo who is also assistant choreographer with us this year, it’s just great to continue that collaboration because we met him when he was the age of Travis Japan. And so now he is coming into his own as a choreographer and artist and so wonderful to see that and the part of the development      seen that the three of them on stage together doing like classic Shonentai songs is really great thing and that’s when you know the songs have staying power because they can travel   generation to the different artists and hopefully communicate the same way if not better to different generation of fans.



Four-Yu, really feel like they have        into a group that more people should know about. I think them very special. They found the very definite reign for themselves, that’s part humor, as well as the music and dancing and acting abilities and I think that they are very all-rounder group. They is so much fun because they are so youthful and they have so much potential and I hope that they get to reach there for potential very soon. “MAD” I think they are very hard worker        always great to be around them. We called him “funny guy” but he is like a computer and remembers most everything. And I think Kota is just really giving comfortable in his own skin and finding what his best act is . Of course Travis japan, I’m just so proud of them because when this idea came about little more over a year ago, as is know exactly how it work and I’m still learning how to integrate what I think into this well established brand that is the company, and how to collaborate for them. But my biggest surprise is that they are most taller. To continue to see their development and to communicate with them about songs and talking to them about different great artist what I want them to listen to to get inspiration from, finding out about individual so that I can better understand them as a unit, It’s certainly been a great process.